Chemistry ATAR units 1 & 2: Fossil Fuels and Biofuels


An important environmental issue in today’s society is the use of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, petroleum and natural gas) versus biofuels (such as biogas, biodiesel and bioethanol). There are many ongoing debates relating to the use of these fuels to global warming, greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy. These debates, together with social, economic, cultural and political values, determine how widely these fuels are used.


Energy and chemical reactions

Davis, A., Disney, A., Hayes, V., Smith, D., & Whan, R. Nelson chemistry units 1 & 2 for the Australian curriculum.

Brightstorm: Enthalpy

Davis, A., Disney, A., Hayes, V., Smith, D., & Whan, R. Nelson chemistry units 1 & 2 for the Australian curriculum.

Brightstorm: Thermochemical equations