Geographical Skills

These are the skills that need to be developed when undertaking geographical inquiries. 

Senior School Syllabus

Geographical inquiry skills

The following skills should be developed during Geography study. Relevant skills will be emphasized for each depth study. 

  • Observing, questioning and planning
  • Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing
  • Interpreting, analysing and concluding
  • Communicating 
  • Reflecting and responding

In this guide, content taken directly from the syllabus is shown in purple.

Observing Questioning and Planning

formulate geographical inquiry questions

plan a geographical inquiry with clearly defined aims and appropriate methodology

Interpreting, analysing and concluding

analyse geographical information and data from a range of primary and secondary sources, and a variety of perspectives, to draw reasoned conclusions and to make generalisations

identify and analyse relationships, spatial patterns and trends, and make predictions and inferences

Reflecting and responding

apply generalisations to evaluate alternative responses to geographical issues at a variety of scales

propose individual and collective action, taking into account environmental, social and economic factors, and predict the outcomes of proposed action

Collecting, Recording, Evaluating and Representing

collect geographical information, incorporating ethical protocols, from a range of primary and secondary sources

record observations in a range of graphic representations using spatial technologies and ICT 

evaluate the reliability, validity and usefulness of geographical sources and information

acknowledge sources of information and use and approved referencing technique


communicate geographical information, ideas, issues and arguments using appropriate written and/or oral, cartographic, multimodal and graphic forms

use geographical language in appropriate contexts to demonsrtate geographical knowledge and understanding
