RE ATAR Unit 1: the characteristics of the major divisions or denominations within a world religion

Religious structures and processes: the characteristics of the major divisions or denominations within a world religion

The structures and processes at work within a particular religion play an important role in shaping how and why a religion operates. An important part of this is also the organisation and structure of each religion. Such organisational characteristics are constantly being tested or re-shaped by the interplay that takes place between individuals, society, the beliefs of the religion, as well as its history and traditions.

Definition of "Religious Denominations"?

religious denomination is a subgroup within  religion that operates under a common name, tradition, and identity.

Major branchesChristianity can be taxonomically divided into five main groups: the Church of the East, Oriental Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism.

The main areas of difference between the major divisions of denominations within a world religion (Christianity)

Overview the factors that contribute to a particular religious division:

History of Australia

Religious Division in Australia

Denominations in Australia