Drama ATAR: Bertolt Brecht



Brecht Books in the Library

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Bertolt Brecht

Epic Theatre

SCSA Drama Glossary

Bertolt Brecht : German theatre writer, director and scenographer (1898:1956) who built on the work of Erwin Piscator to develop theatre approaches (called Lehrstücke) that produced different emotional and thematic effects on his audiences. This work, including the creation of alienation effects in a performance, later became known under the title ‘Epic Theatre’. Brecht’s theatre sought to achieve social and political transformation especially in response to forces like the rise of Nazi Germany.

See Processes developed by Brecht.

Brecht and Epic Theatre

The Drama Teacher : Epic Theatre Conventions

The Chicago School of Media Theory : Epic Theatre

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Drama : Epic Theatre and Brecht

Brecht's Epic Theatre and Peking Opera

Brecht Books in the Library